problem installing additional languages

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13 anos atrás

I just downloaded the latest version of nopcommerce, OK

Installed, OK

Compiled, OK

Run it, OK

Oh, its only in english, Download aditional language(, OK

Install additional language from administration -> localization... upload XML file, OK

I go to the public website, change the language and... anything it is in spanish! it seems that I'm seeing the resource keys, instead of the resource values. KO

Then I go back to the administration, I remove the spanish language, OK

I go to the american language, and I try to edit it, I put it in position 2. I receive an exception:

return _language;
Línea 382:
Línea 383:                throw new NopException("Languages could not be loaded");
Línea 384:            }
Línea 385:            set

Archivo de origen: C:\Users\Jesus\Desktop\nopCommerce_1.70_Source\Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\NopContext.cs    Línea: 383

I tried to recompile, but now I receive this error all the time, no matter the page I load (default.aspx or whatever, it breaks).

Any idea?

13 anos atrás
It seems that you deleted or unpublished all your languages. Connect to your database and ensure that you have at least one published language there ([Nop_Lanaguage] table).
13 anos atrás
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
It seems that you deleted or unpublished all your languages. Connect to your database and ensure that you have at least one published language there ([Nop_Lanaguage] table).

That's right, thanks.
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