I have a product I need to build which is sold in pairs, so 2 items each with 2 attributes of 'size' and 'fill' - basically I need to ask the customer to select:
first size - 2 options
first fill - 4 options
second size - 2 options
second fill - 4 options

I had to create attributes such as size 1, size 2, fill 1, fill 2.

2 issues
1. Is this really the best option here, this generates about 64 attribute combinations however I only really need about half that as the 2 products are interchangeable. for example, lets assume size is A and B, and fill is 1, 2, 3, 4 - so for product 1 lets suppose A-1 is chosen and for product 1 B-2 is chosen, nop generates attribute combinations for everything but product 1 and product 2 are interchangeable.

2. I am finding that when adding to the product I used  the text prompt which is on the product page but not in the shopping cart, in the shopping cart the attribute generator uses the 'attribute name' vs the "text prompt'.