Mass Product Varient

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13 anos atrás
bfranklin825 wrote:
I'm assuming that mod that you're using doesn't change the files that this control uses, if that is the case then all you have to do is replace these files:

ProductAttributes.ascx.cs - from "Modules" in "NopCommerceStore"
AttributeControlTypeEnum.cs - from "Libraries/Nop.BusinessLogic/Products/Attributes

and add NopPrefilledDropdown.cs to the Libraries/Nop.Controls project and then recompile your code and upload the .dll files that have been modified.

If the mod you're using does use the files that are modified with this new control then you'll have to open up the files and figure out what code to bring over into your files.

This didn't work I'm afraid :o(

I replaced my files with yours and when I "Build Solution" I was getting errors. I don't know much about VWD but am sure that errors in the build can't be good! I replaced the .dlls just in case and although the "Prefilled Dropdown List" option was there when I tried to add my attribute, the options I created, i.e. colours and sizes were not. The dropdown list was empty on my product page.

I also took the original downloaded 1.8 source files and tried with this but it doesn't look like anything gets updated. When the site launched there was not even an option in the product varients for a "Prefilled Dropdown List".

This is a shame as I would really love to use this mod.

If you do ever happen to create this again for v1.8 (for whatever strange reason) I would really love a copy of your files.

Thanks for all you advice on this...

13 anos atrás
bfranklin825 wrote:
I have a store that sells boots.  

So the varients i want to add to each product would be SIZE and COLOR

My question is: Is there away to assign the same varient attributes to different products because all my boots will
be in 2-3 colors and i dont want to have a custom varient every single time.

I just want to be able to assign the size and color options on a massive scale. and not have to create the list of colors over and over again.

To be clear - all my boots are either black or brown, and they all come in sizes 5,6,7,8,9,10,11
so i dont want to manully recreat the product varient options over and over again

i want to create the color options list once and assign it to all my boot products.

I have a custom control that allows you to reuse a list of attributes, such as size or color, in a drop down. With this control you just create a setting with the values you want and then you can just add the control to the product and it will pull the values from that setting. You can use it over and over without having to add the options for each product.

Its not necessarily "mass", but it saves you from having to add the options over and over... you want it?

The other good thing about this control is that you can change EVERY product that has this control just by changing one setting... so if you decided to add a new color, just edit the one setting and it appears in ALL controls of that type.

Just another note to people on this that don't know already they can do this. After creating this control you can then assign to products very quickly if you have a live connection to your database. It is much quicker than opening the product page for each product and setting.

You just need to find the "ProductVarient" table and get the "ProductVarientID" of the required products. Then open "ProductVarient_ProductAttribute_Mapping" table and set the correct attribute for the desired products. It does help if your products are in the database in order that the same attribute applies to them, i.e. all products (or at least a few) that will use sizes 6-12 are in the database in order etc.

To find out the values for the "ProductAttributeID", just setup a test product with the required attribute and this value will be in for the test product.

Hope this helps...
13 anos atrás
Ok Ill definitly keep that in mind - Im guessing your using visual studio or some type DB connection software?
13 anos atrás
Just downloaded the files. I've followed the instructions in the readme.txt and compiling with VS2010 I'm getting error:

Error  1  The type or namespace name 'Controls' does not exist in the namespace 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce' (are you missing an assembly reference?)  C:\Users\Santiago\Documents\Downloads\nopCommerce_1.90_Source\Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Products\Attributes\ProductAttributes.ascx.cs  37  32  Nop.BusinessLogic
13 anos atrás
saintperez wrote:
Just downloaded the files. I've followed the instructions in the readme.txt and compiling with VS2010 I'm getting error:

Error  1  The type or namespace name 'Controls' does not exist in the namespace 'NopSolutions.NopCommerce' (are you missing an assembly reference?)  C:\Users\Santiago\Documents\Downloads\nopCommerce_1.90_Source\Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Products\Attributes\ProductAttributes.ascx.cs  37  32  Nop.BusinessLogic

The ProductAttributes.ascx.cs file should be in "Modules", not where you have it. Try removing it from BusinessLogic and putting it in Modules....
13 anos atrás
jrod wrote:
Ok Ill definitly keep that in mind - Im guessing your using visual studio or some type DB connection software?

"SQL Sever Management Studio Express" its a free download from Microsoft. You then just need to have your connection details for your database, i.e. Server (get from your webhost), username and password for the database, the ones you used when you done the install.
13 anos atrás
I would like to use this too, please let me know where all these .dll files will go, is it all in one folder? please advise i am kind of novice with all this

13 anos atrás
kakoli wrote:
I would like to use this too, please let me know where all these .dll files will go, is it all in one folder? please advise i am kind of novice with all this


It should say in the read me file... I think. If you haven't made any changes to your source code, just place the dll files in your bin directory and the new control should show up when you go to add a product attribute. Follow the instructions in the read me to set the attribute up.
13 anos atrás
Question about product variants.  What I would like to do is on a suit for example have a variant for the color and the size.  I would like to tie the color and the size to a part number as well as show the correct image in the shopping cart.  One color and one size have this part number and the same color and a different size has another part number.  This way when a customer is ordering a part it shows the correct part number on the admin side and pull right into Quickbooks and is ready for shipping.  Is there a way to go about doing this?
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