No instructions for Installing

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13 anos atrás
Why isn't there any instructions or details on how to install the application
after extracting the "nopCommerce_1.90_Source.rar" files?
I looked and couldn't find any on the website.
Shouldn't there be at least a ReadMe file?
I found the installation steps on another post here, but there should be a
detailed file or webpage on this.
13 anos atrás
I guess I'll start the documention.
If anyone can add any information that would be of use please do.
Maybe a file can be created from this.

This is copied from another post:

1) Unzip the nopCommerce 1.8

2) Open the nopCommerce project in Visual Studio 2010

3) Locate the folder Install/Install.aspx

4) Right click on Install.aspx and select "Browse"

5) Follow the steps for installation

6) while installing you will have to mention the server name > as you are installing locally write this in the server name-> .\SQLEXPRESS

7) Select Windows Authentication

8) Press Next, Write the name (whatever you wanna name the database)

9) Select Install Sample/Demo Data

10) Keep the Default credentials of admin user

and nopCommerce 1.8 will be installed on your machine, run the Default.aspx page to view the local website...
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