
I've experienced some strange behaviour on my hosted nopCommerce site and wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar.

Yesterday a number of products were being added and existing products amended.  The site was working fine.  This morning the product list page (Catalog > Products > Manage Products) was coming up with the error page.  It seems the [dbo].[Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged] was failing because the variable @RowsToReturn was calculated as a negative value.

I simulated running the SP from SQL Server Management Studio and could reproduce the error.  I copied the SQL out in a new query and ran it and it ran correctly, but the SP failed.  I made a change to SP to default the page size and page index variables to 0 and 2147483644 respectively if the passed in values were null.

Tried running the SP again and it worked.  Took the newly added lines out and ran it and it still worked. So now the SP is back to its original form and is working correctly.

Has anyone else experienced something similar?