Customize Homepage

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13 anos atrás
Dear All,

Can anyone help me on how to customizing homepage. I need the homepage without default body area
something like this

Thank you in Advance
13 anos atrás
Change the HOme page master page to single coloumn master page, and then add whatever you want
13 anos atrás
As mentioned above, take a look at the masterpages, and by using onecolumn.master you can remove side columns.
Rest, take a loot at the style sheet of the theme that you're using "nopCommerceStore/App_Theme/YOURTHEME/ style.css.

Rest of the changes can be accomplished from this style sheet.

Hope it helps...
12 anos atrás
HI Guys,

Thanks a lot, it works well, and i did a another way, hope it will help you too..

1. created a new usercontrol called banner.ascx in modules folder
2. Called the banner.ascx control in to root.master
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="myBanner" Src="~/Modules/Banner.ascx" %>

after the header
<nopCommerce:myBanner ID="Banner" runat="server" Visible="false"  />

3. in default.aspx.cs added one line code to find the banner user control and visible only in default page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            UserControl HomeBanner = this.Master.Master.FindControl("Banner") as UserControl;
            HomeBanner.Visible = true;

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)

4. in banner.ascx control placing our custom scripts as we need.

You guys feedback highly appreciated

Cheers, Happy Nop
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