How to use plugin services in theme views in nopCommerce version 4.50

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@using Nop.Plugin.PLUGINNAME.Service

Added this to the view like any other service namespace but the build fail with "The type or namespace name 'Plugin' does not exist in the namespace 'Nop' (are you missing an assembly reference?)".
We need to use one of the services from our custom plugin in our custom theme. nopCommerce version 4.50.1. pls help
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try like this from theme views:

@inject IServiceCollection  serviceCollection
@inject IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor

var services = serviceCollection.ToList();
    var service = services.Where(s => s.ServiceType.Name == "IYourService").FirstOrDefault();
    if(service  != null){
         var instance = (dynamic) httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(service
           var value = instance.YourMethod();
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Thanks a lot.
Isn't there any other way to get multiple plugin services easily?
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Chamila1026 wrote:

Isn't there any other way to get multiple plugin services easily?

your plugin take reference of Nop.Web project that's why you get any service easily from your plugin view page. but Nop.Web project doesn't take reference of your plugin project. that's why we can not know this at initially and take this on runtime by reflection from Nop.Web themes view
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