Product Specification Attributes Missing - only first 10 shown

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1 ano atrás
When editing a product, Add New Product Specification takes you to the following:

The attribute drop down only seems to show the first 10 attributes. I've added about 15 and none of the 5 past the first ten are available to select. I've tried clearing cache and restarting the application. Seems like a bug.

NopCommerce Version: 4.40.4
1 ano atrás
Only attributes with options are displayed there. It's by design, even if you add an attribute of the type "CustomText" to a product, you still need to define at least one option on the specification attribute details page.
1 ano atrás
Yeah that was the issue. I took a look at the source code yesterday and realized that I had needed another field inside the specification attribute. It helps to be able to read code :-)
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