Greetings Everyone,

We are happy to announce that we have just released the Amazon Personalize Integration plugin for all nopCommerce store owners running nopCommerce version 4.50!

We have developed the Amazon Personalize Integration plugin to simplify the process of using Amazon’s Personalize machine learning service on your nopCommerce-based online store. This plugin makes generating recommendations from Amazon Personalize using your own store data for various business needs much simpler. In this plugin, we have showcased 5 common eCommerce use cases, which are:

•  Most viewed: Gets recommendations for popular items based on how many times your customers viewed an item.
•  Best sellers: Gets recommendations for popular items based on the number of times a customer purchased an item.
•  Frequently bought together: Get recommendations for items that customers frequently buy together along with items that can be specified.
•  Customers who viewed X also viewed: Gets recommendations for items that customers also viewed based on an item that you can specify.
•  Recommended for you: Gets personalized recommendations for items based on a user that you can specify.

We believe this plugin will make the process of integrating and configuring the Amazon Personalize service to get real-time recommendations on your nopCommerce-powered store more convenient and let you provide a more personalized shopping experience on your online storefront.

Features List
•  “Recommended for you”, “Most viewed” and “Best sellers” recommendations will be displayed on the homepage
•  Customers who viewed this also viewed” and “Frequently bought together” recommendations will be displayed on the product page
•  Allows to stop/start amazon recommender from the admin panel
•  Get the status of a recommender from the admin panel
•  Recommendation can be enabled/disabled from the admin panel
•  Easy to install and configure

Product Specifications
•  Plugin Type: nopCommerce Plugin
•  Supported nopCommerce Version: 4.50 and above
•  Available Purchase option: Without Source Code & With Source Code
•  Available License Type: Single URL, Multiple URL
•  Multi-store Support: Yes

For more detailed features, check the product at our site.
Product link to our site:

About nopStation
nopStation is a gold solution partner of nopCommerce and an eCommerce unit of Brain Station 23 Ltd., a top-ranking software development company headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

At nopStation, we design, build and enhance eCommerce solutions on top of the nopCommerce platform for clients of all business sizes. We are a highly skilled team of .NET Developers, PMs, Architects, DevOps, QAs, BAs, and UI/UX designers, including nopCommerce Certified Developers & MVPs. With specialization in custom B2B and B2C eCommerce development, we excel in developing Themes, Plugins, and Mobile Apps in both Android & iOS platforms in all technology choices— Native (Kotlin & Swift), Flutter, and Ionic. At the same time, we also develop third-party integrations and bring performance optimizations to nopCommerce systems. We help our customers build their business online by developing the right eCommerce solution using nopCommerce at a competitive price and reasonable timeline.