Product Variant Attributes

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13 anos atrás
Hi All,

Want to use product variant attributes to gather about 10 fields of required data for customers purchasing certain products.

We have about 900 products in this category and are wondering if we can apply variant attributes for customer input to all products within a category?

This would save on data input and the site owner having to do this everytime they add a product to this particular category in future.

What do you recommend we do here? I'm thinking it's only based on a per product variant basis and we'll have to import a batch of product variants/attributes so all 900+ products will require customers to input about 10 fields of data.

Then I assume the site owner will have to do the 10 variant attributes for every new product they add to this category.

Could you please advise/confirm best methods here?
13 anos atrás
What you would have to do is add some code to the admin section that would assign the attributes to the product if that product is assigned to the specific category. Or you could add a trigger on a table in the database that would add the attributes when a new record was inserted that matched that category. Both options would require some coding...

I agree that attributes need some work, they are too time consuming for stores that have a lot of products that need them. Being able to assign an attribute or an attribute group to a category would be a great time saver - possibly a future project.
13 anos atrás
Another way without geting into code is to create a product with all the 10 attributes and use it as a "template" to generate the rest of the products. Then when creating products instead of Add New option you use the Copy option within the "Template" (admin>catalog>manage products>"Template") and then just make the necessary changes to adapt each copy to each new product
13 anos atrás
I totally forgot about the copy/clone product.

A much easier way for this particular project. Lucky all 925 products are in the same parent category and have the same variant attribute to be applied.

I can understand the need for this when attributes and products or categories are changing more often though.
12 anos atrás
Is there already an incident/feature to address extending product attributes to prevent having to create them over and over for every product?
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