Inconsistent Product Attribute Handling in Reorder Functionality

2 meses atrás
Current Issue:
When a user attempts to reorder an item in the front-end, which includes a product attribute, and the XML of the OrderItem sometimes contains an outdated or incorrect Attribute Value ID, As a result, the reordered item is added to the inventory without the proper product attribute being saved, even when it is a required field.

Expected Behavior:
There should be at least some kind of checks that  there is any product attribute under this Id, or if the names are the same or if it still exists etc. and then there should be at least an error notification for the customer, or a window that he can chose it again with the new or right attributes.
2 meses atrás
Innovapps wrote:

There should be at least some kind of checks that  there is any product attribute under this Id, or if the names are the same or if it still exists etc.

It's already there. When customers reorder, the initial order's products are added to the cart and go through the same way as a regular product addition, including all the checks (and attribute checks too).
What nopCommerce version you use? Any third-party plugins or customizations?
2 meses atrás
Here are the reproduction steps.
1. Create a new nop installation, including the demo data (no plugins, no themes).
2. Go to "Nike Tailwind Loose Short-Sleeve Running Shirt" in the frontend
3. Select size "Small"
4. Add the product to the cart, and place the order.
5. Open exactly the same product in the backend
6. Delete the product attribute value "small" from within the backend
7. Navigate to the frontend, "My Account > Orders" and select the last order
8. Press "Rebuy" and wait for redirect into the shopping cart

And here is the problem. Once you are in the shopping cart you can see that there is already something weird happing. There is no product attribute description displayed. If you have a look at the database, your shopping cart item still contains the old product attribute Id that you previously deleted.

9. Place the order

You were now successfully able to purchase a product (product attribute value) that no longer exists.

This was tested on our internal demo shop, without any plugins or themes installed.
2 meses atrás
Ok, I got it now, thanks for the clarification. Here is a work item for it.