Multiple Vendors / Stores - Step by Step Code

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12 anos atrás
I know your not back yet, but looking forward to yout 2.0 ver, I'm waiting to upgrade for that hehe.  And I think I will have to do the same as you for the 70/30 split, all goes to me, then 70% out to the right people.  Do you have to do that by hand or is there a way to have it happen on its own(and know to give me 30, and the 70% going to the correct seller)

I plan on have discounts and what not, and that would be takin out of my 30%, so the sotres all get their 70% no matter what.

Thanx much for all this,

12 anos atrás
I follow the instructions , but I cant make this working.
down anyone can send me a zip project?
[email protected]
12 anos atrás
Hello hezyz,
Thanks a lot about your multi vendor and step step tutorial of coding of Nopstore ,I do it several times, but un fortunatly have no success to rebuild the sloution.
so, please send me a complete sloution of project .
12 anos atrás
hi all I'm on holiday till the end of the month, with limited internet access (on sea most of the time)
when I'll get back i will post a full working solution for v 1.9 and I'm about to finish the 2.0 v as well

the 2.0 v will be a complete one, with divided store checkout, orders and invoices

try to debug the files I've already posted (from the step by step) it worked for several users in this forum.

thank u
12 anos atrás
10x this will be super!
:-) have fun in the holiday!
12 anos atrás
Hows this goin for the new version my friend?
12 anos atrás
finished, i have a problem to deploy on  my server.

hope to fix it today
12 anos atrás
Nice, good luck with that, I'm far to new to offer any help ;)

But you did a great job with you have done so far, thats really nice of you to give to everybody too.  So, good luck with that, and once you get it done I have another question for you, but it can wait till your done hehe.

Thanx alot,
12 anos atrás
hezyz wrote:
finished, i have a problem to deploy on  my server.

Hezyz has has  released the multi-vendor version for 2.0 . Check:
11 anos atrás
hi please can you renew download link in the  site for 1.9 version ?
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