URL Slug

URL Slug
The URL Slug plugin for nopCommerce allows you to customize the end part of your website's URLs, known as a slug. URL Slug allows you to change the default slug pattern.
Obter extensão (41 Transferências)
Versões suportadas: 4.30, 4.50
Criado: janeiro 25,2023
Última atualização: janeiro 26,2023

A URL slug refers to the end part of a URL after the backslash (“/”) that identifies the specific page or post. You can also set individual extensions for specific pages, such as blogs, catalogues, products, and news articles. To do this, go to the Content Management section of the admin panel, select the desired page, and scroll to the SEO section. Here, you can add a custom name for the URL extension.

Using the URL Slug plugin allows you to modify the default slug pattern for your website and can potentially improve your SEO ranking. It is easy to set up and use in the nopCommerce platform.


  • Supports any URL Redirects
  • Supports all the extensions E.g. (.php, .html, .aspx. etc.,)

Advantages of using URL Slug

  • Improved SEO ranking: A descriptive and keyword-rich slug can improve your website's search engine ranking, as it provides information about the page's content to search engines.
  • Increased readability: Custom slugs can make your website more user-friendly, as they give readers an idea of what to expect from a page before they click on it.
  • Enhanced branding: Using custom slugs can also help with branding, as it allows you to include your company or product name in the URL.
  • Better organization: By using slugs to categorize and organize your website's content, it becomes easier for users to find the information they are looking for.
  • Simplified navigation: Custom slugs can also make it easier for users to navigate your website, as they provide clear and descriptive links to different pages.

Setting up URL Slug Plugin

  • URLs with extensions are the most standard for the websites. For example: http://www.google.com/news
  • To modify/customize the URL in nopCommerce “URL Slug” plugin will help you achieve your goal.

Using custom URL Slug Plugin

  • URL Slug allows you to change the default slug pattern.

For example, instead of the default https://www.example.com/news using URL slug it will be https://www.example.com/Today/news

To use the URL Slug plugin, you will first need to set it up in the nopCommerce admin panel.

To set up the "URL Slug" plugin, users can follow these steps:

  • Open the Configuration application in the nopCommerce Admin Panel.
  • Navigate to Settings under Configuration.
  • Search for the "Support Previous nopCommerce Version" setting.
  • Set the value to "False" and click Save.

With the "URL Slug" plugin set up, users can now customize the slug for individual pages. To do so, they can follow these steps:

  • Login to the nopCommerce Admin Panel.
  • Navigate to the Content Management section.
  • Go to the Blog Post, Catalog, Product, News, or Topic page.
  • Select the desired page and click Edit.
  • Scroll to the SEO Section and add a custom name for the slug.
  • Click Save.

By using the "URL Slug" plugin, users can improve their SEO ranking by creating descriptive and keyword-rich slugs for their web pages. They can also make their website more user-friendly by using custom slugs that reflect the content of each page.


  • Download the URL Slug from our store “URL”
  • Go to Administration → Configuration → Local plugins
  • Upload the .zip file using the "Upload plugin or theme" button

After Implementing URL Slug

  • Go to Administration and reload the 'list of plugins'. Install URL Slug Plugin
  • To make the plugins functional, restart the application