nopCommerce 1.8 roadmap. Let's discuss.

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13 лет назад
Steve - Thanks for clarifying the VAT Provider question.
13 лет назад
I am still on v1.6 but this new 1.8 version looks exceptionally appealing to move my store(s) to - It has some of the features we have been desperate for and stopped us moving from our current (old) ecommerce software.

Can I just clarify

Google Analytics Integration - Is this the Google Analytics ecommerce ( integration?  I hope so :S

Also as I'm just on 1.6 - I'm wondering if the really annoying problem/Bug of when someone adds an item to their cart, goes through to register and then gets redirected to the homepage has been fixed?

Lastly.. Is multi-store still something you are considering?  Like most people we desperately need this, and it would turn NopCommerce into one of the big eCommerce players without a doubt!!
13 лет назад
1.8 will be released soon? when I had a look at the feature list of 1.8, it could be a full featured product as a shopping cart, even though few people are still winging to have features other than those of shopping carts.
I am waiting for 1.8 instead of cusomising 1.6 or 1.7.
fantastic work!
13 лет назад
Integration with Google Analytcs will be only for access control statements, or will  it also have also order tracking?  

Tks a LOT!

Benjamim JR.
13 лет назад
theonlylawislove wrote:
Also, I noticed the new EventContext which is making my plugin/addon easier to install.

The problem is that it only has limited events. How about creating events for every business object? Shouldn't take that long to do and would be a huge plus.

Think we can do this for 1.8?

Can I get confirmation that this will be added in the next release? It is much needed for transparency and easy upgrading of addons.

Here is the work item. Please vote up!
13 лет назад
cooldirtyboy wrote:
still waiting for - "Allow store owner to create an order via admin panel" . hope this functionality will be in 1.8

wow changeset 56065 (  ) includes now this functionality. cant wait to update my nop 1.60 to 1.80
13 лет назад
If it can help, here is a solution for analytics...
13 лет назад

As this feature is on the roadmap of upcoming 1.8 version " Allow store owner to view all online customers"

It would be great if admin/store owner can get feature like this with all the details:

Please take a look at the screen shot:

It will help admin / store owner to keep track of all kind of visitors on the website
13 лет назад
bfranklin825 wrote:
I was wondering if there are any plans to add an Ajax type add to cart feature in future releases?

No, we don't plan to add it
13 лет назад
patrick24601 wrote:
Re: The forum software. And this is coming from working with these forums. I don't know if the forums do this or not, but if somebody replies to a forum thread include the response in the email. I am watching this thread for example. I get the same email each time. And I have to click over to the forum to read each one. If the response that was posted was in the email I would know whether it was something I cared about or not. Most of these issues I don't care about.

Or at least make it a user choice/option to have the response included in the email.

Thanks. It'll be implemented
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