nopCommerce 1.8 roadmap. Let's discuss.

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13 лет назад
Lavadacl wrote:
Is fractional product order quantities, along with mapping of factional quanties to local strings, on the roadmap?

This option will no be available in upcoming release
13 лет назад
leen3o wrote:
Google Analytics Integration - Is this the Google Analytics ecommerce ( integration?

We haven't decided it yet. This task needs some investigation

leen3o wrote:
Lastly.. Is multi-store still something you are considering?

It's on our roadmap. But this option will not be available in the next release
13 лет назад
theonlylawislove wrote:
Can I get confirmation that this will be added in the next release? It is much needed for transparency and easy upgrading of addons.

I cannot tell it now (haven't decided yet)
13 лет назад
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:

I cannot tell it now (haven't decided yet)

What if I provide you with EventContext.cs with all of the new events in there?
13 лет назад
Just making it easier to multi select ANY item in admin to delete or unpublish would save so much time than doing them one by one or needing to write SQL scripts. Furthermore, the X or checkmark icons should be buttons to enable or disable that item.

Specifications or Product Attributes with add $ or subtract $
13 лет назад
We also need a payment option where a customer can enter their credit card but does not process it until we want to manually after checking inventory. We drop ship items from manufacturer. OS commerce does a method where half the cc is stores in database and the rest is emailed to admin with order notifications.
13 лет назад
theonlylawislove wrote:
What if I provide you with EventContext.cs with all of the new events in there?

You're more than welcome to do it
13 лет назад
3 simple requests

1 - Add the Save (or Export and others) button to the bottom of the Admin pages. Especially Product pages

2 - Ensure Call for Pricing is available for attributes as well

3 - I second the vote for Search on the Strings, All Settings and Languages etc. in Admin

Keep up the great work!!

Thanks so much!

13 лет назад
Is Captcha image going to be included in Contact Us Form in 1.8 version ?

it's a small feature but very important, as current contact us form propel spam e-mails....
13 лет назад
1. Currently, the product when displayed can show the (old price) and the (new price). If the difference between the two could be shown as a percentage, this would be helpful to catch a shopper's attention.


Old Price: $18.00

New Price: $12.00

Your Savings: (33%), or (33% OFF)

2. I'm in need of a reserve type auction for my commerce solution.

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