How to remove Product Specification tab from ajax toolkit on varients in grid page?

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12 yıl önce
I have added product specifications elsewhere and want to delete the ajax tab product specs however have had little success in removing the correct code.

I no longer want this code however it is being called from the VariantsInGrid.ascx.cs and I have had little success in removing it from this page.

            <ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="pnlProductSpecs" HeaderText="<% $NopResources:Products.ProductSpecs %>">
                    <nopCommerce:ProductSpecs ID="ctrlProductSpecs" runat="server" ></nopCommerce:ProductSpecs>

Your comments would be greatly appreciated.

kind regards

12 yıl önce
Not even a suggestion?
12 yıl önce
For 1.90

To remove the Product Specifications tab from the Variants in Grid product template:

Edit file: Templates\Products\VariantsInGrid.ascx

Delete or comment out (surround with <%-- and --%>) the following code:
<%--<ajaxToolkit:TabPanel runat="server" ID="pnlProductSpecs" HeaderText="<% $NopResources:Products.ProductSpecs %>">
        <nopCommerce:ProductSpecs ID="ctrlProductSpecs" runat="server"></nopCommerce:ProductSpecs>

Edit file: Templates\Products\VariantsInGrid.ascx.cs

In the Page_PreRender method, comment out (with // ) or delete the lines that reference pnlProductSpecs (the product specifications tab panel):
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
    pnlProductReviews.Visible = ctrlProductReviews.Visible;
    //pnlProductSpecs.Visible = ctrlProductSpecs.Visible;
    pnlProductTags.Visible = ctrlProductTags.Visible;
    ProductsTabs.Visible = pnlProductReviews.Visible ||
        //pnlProductSpecs.Visible ||

    //little hack here
    if (pnlProductTags.Visible)
        ProductsTabs.ActiveTab = pnlProductTags;
    //if (pnlProductSpecs.Visible)
    //    ProductsTabs.ActiveTab = pnlProductSpecs;
    if (pnlProductReviews.Visible)
        ProductsTabs.ActiveTab = pnlProductReviews;
You will need to recompile the NopCommerceStore project to see the change. Upload, to your web server, the updated versions of  VariantsInGrid.ascx and the assembly: NopCommerceStore.dll (in /bin)

12 yıl önce
Thank you this is exactly what I did with the exception to uploading the nopstore.
I did however manage to resolve this by setting the product spec tab to Visibility="false"

Many thanks for your help though its appreciated.
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