Click on Administration HTTP Error 404

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12 yıl önce
I downoloaded nopcommerce 2.0 no source code, added web application in IIS (windows 7 professional iis 7.5), installed nopcommerce by following the install wizard. i can log in and see administration link on the top right, but after i click, i get http 404 error.

Is there anyone can help with this? anything i did wrong or missed out?
12 yıl önce
There was an issue with 2.00 BETA when you install it into virtual directory. Get the latest source code here ('Source code' tab) and try it one more time
12 yıl önce
The latest version has this problem also. I'm trying to use Visual Studio Development Server and it returns 404. I'm not so good in mvc that's why can you advice me where search solution of this problem? I understand that RegisterRoutes in Global.asax of Nop.Web is not performed, but how call it in best way?
12 yıl önce
Ingwar wrote:
The latest version has this problem also.

Could you open the following file and copy its content here (the code inside "@if (Model.DisplayAdminLink)" statement)?
12 yıl önce
@if (Model.DisplayAdminLink)
            <li><a href="@Url.Content("~/admin")" class="ico-admin">@T("Account.Administration")</a>
12 yıl önce
What is your site URL? And where does "administration" link refer to (when you click on it)?
12 yıl önce
I'm trying to debug site from Studio 2010, set Use Visual Studio Development Server in Web properties of Nop.Admin (default value is "Use Custom Web Server" with Server Url that as you understand is non appliable for me). That's why start url is http://localhost:2454/ - result is 404. I tried also http://localhost:2454/Home/index - the same result.
12 yıl önce
Sorry my misunderstanding, I've found my problem - I was trying to set Nop.Admin as startup application and debud as separate module. I this case Global.asax isn't executed and routing is not setupped. When I logged in as admin from main site all is ok. Again, sorry for misunderstanding.
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