Can not log back into admin, Help pls

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12 yıl önce
Does anyone know how i can log back into admin.
I have loggef in made changes to settings and i ticked to login using username rather then email.
as soon as i saved i was logged out and when i try to log back in it won't let me.
I do not have a username.
I have changed the default login/password

Please can someone tell me in beginners terms how to reset the setting to be able to use the email as the login ?
I don't really want to start from scratch as i spent a bit of time setting up the cart.

Thank you
12 yıl önce
By default the username of default administrator is same ([email protected]) - try logging in with that as a username.

username- [email protected]
password- whatever your password is
12 yıl önce
Also, i can not create a new user account.
When i try to register it gives me the error page.
Did i stuff up more then i think? or is there some i need to do?
12 yıl önce
Please post the error message that you're getting.

Are you now able to login as admin ? (what I posted above)
12 yıl önce
abcd_12345 wrote:
By default the username of default administrator is same ([email protected]) - try logging in with that as a username.

username- [email protected]
password- whatever your password is

It worked, Thanks a lot.
I used username- [email protected]
password- my chosen password

I thought that that login gets replaced by the new email i created for the admin.
Thank You
12 yıl önce
abcd_12345 wrote:
Please post the error message that you're getting.

webpage says: We're sorry, an internal error occurred that prevents the request to complete
12 yıl önce
trebien wrote:
We're sorry, an internal error occurred that prevents the request to complete

For the error message, please see this:
12 yıl önce
abcd_12345 wrote:

Thanks for the links but they don't seem related to my problem.
When i go to Register page, under password there this link saying: "Input error: k: Format of site key was invalid "
this is even before i press submit.

Any ideas?
12 yıl önce
Update on what was wrong.

I had Catchpa enabled it was giving the error, instead of catchpa it was internal error see prev post.
Unticked it from admin and works fine now.

If anyone knows how to fix catchpa why it did not work please reply.
12 yıl önce
Site loading very very slow.

Is there a way to speed up the website?
I use godaddy hosting
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