nopCommerce 2.10 roadmap. Let's discuss.

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12 yıl önce
For me the most important features are:
Multilingual SEO URLs
Multilingual payment and shipping
Multilingual site description, site tags, site name
VAT fixes
All thumbs same size (fill white or transparency around)
Estimate shipment per product on backorder (backorder time, show in availability)
Show availability on products in categories (in the lists/grids)
Add bar code to products (EAN code)
Google analytics - better support
Google merchant - better support
Warehouses - full support (one product in more warehouses, stock quantity per warehouse,availability per warehouse,...)
12 yıl önce
I think eBay support is one of the biggest requirements required.

eBay is a massive marketplace, and with there acquisation of magento, without such a solution, nopCommerce will never gain serious traction into shopping carts/ecommerce solutions.

If nopCommerce is to truely succeed as an eCommerce solution, it needs to integrate with some of the biggest market places on the planet - ebay and amazon.

12 yıl önce
I think, personally speaking the feature list should look more like this....

- Facebook, Open ID, Live ID membership integration
- CMS plugins support (widgets)
- eBay Integration
- One-page checkout support (was not included in 2.00)
- Performance Optimizations.

Azure is a nice to have - its a hosting question. Merchants being able to sell in marketplaces such as eBay amazon, and the like is significantly more important.
12 yıl önce
Guys, pleaseeeeeeeeeee put Shipping/payment method localization on the Roadmap. It does not look to me too complicated compared to all the other Hight Tech stuff you have been working on and it for sure will increase revenue of your users!

12 yıl önce
1. Multi-Store - we would like to use the same custoemr tables across multiple sites, but be able to segment the products to specific domains.  It would be nice to have 1 master database that powers several domains.

2. Better page titles, only for the duplicate issue with paging, other areas that generate "duplicate" content found by Webmaster Tools, they see page two, three...with the same Meta Tags as page 1.  Just adding "- Page 1" and so on to the title and description tags would help.

3. How to select Prefix or Postfix for the Page title, currently it is prefixing the store name, can't find the checkbox in 2.00 like in 1.9.  Google always rewards page titles with the keyword first, not the site name repeated again and again for every page of the site.  The default should have the store name second.  Category/Manufacturer - Store Name.

4. The ability to upload tracking numbers back into the system, and fire the auto emails.

5. Sales person module.  I am setting up a wholesale site but there is no way to assign a sales rep to a specific customer.  Would need to be able to track sales and set commissions.  Very similar to Affiliate, but without the need to append the ?affiliateID= to the URL.  A store may not put this in the URL when reordering, same for the rep entering the order.

6. Better template system, so we can customize the source files when making dramatic layout changes.  We need to be able to rearrange elements beyond css, without changing the live site.

7. Integration with, this is very popular with US internet businesses.  They are integrated with most major platforms and make shipping very easy for all sized organizations.

Thanks for your help!
12 yıl önce
jmorris wrote:
1. Multi-Store - we would like to use the same custoemr tables across multiple sites, but be able to segment the products to specific domains.  It would be nice to have 1 master database that powers several domains.

I agree with this need.  And agree with this interpretation of "multi-store";  I've seen others mention multi-store & multi-vendor, etc. but their need is to have multiple selling vendors sharing a single store front.  Above need is for multiple store fronts sharing same database with ability to indicate which products are seen by which store  - which I think can be handled with a table Product_Store_Mapping similar to Product_Category_Mapping and Product_Manufacturer_Mapping.
12 yıl önce
- Better product Importing. Assigning to categories, brands and pictures from the importing.
- eBay Integration. Who doesnt trade on eBay now?
- Attributes. How many clicks to add attributes? Surely there is a better way of doing this!
12 yıl önce
DW Jenkins wrote:

- eBay Integration. Who doesnt trade on eBay now?

YOU CAN TRADE ON EBAY WITHOUT NOPCOMMERCE. nopCommerce is eCommerce solution and it sells items by itself and don't need to be integrated with any other platform or eCommerce website.

This is my opinion only.
12 yıl önce
I do trade on eBay and nopCommerce separatley. But cross platform selling is allot better, saves time which in the end saves money (or makes money) which is what we are all here for!
12 yıl önce
wxDevelopment wrote:

- eBay Integration. Who doesnt trade on eBay now?

YOU CAN TRADE ON EBAY WITHOUT NOPCOMMERCE. nopCommerce is eCommerce solution and it sells items by itself and don't need to be integrated with any other platform or eCommerce website.

This is my opinion only.

You can trade on ebay from a pen and paper inventory - DOESN'T MAKE IT EFFICIENT. Having a solution in nopCommerce which integrates between nop & eBay allows merchants to sell on ebay efficiently and simply without the need to export a product file, importing into some 3rd party solution to integrate with eBay.

eBay didn't just buy magento to replace its existing ebay shop architecture - they have a plan - and if nopCommerce doesn't have a plan, it will not make traction as a serious alternative to Magento.

eCommerce isn't just about a store (or multi-stores) sitting on top of a database. Its sooooooo much more than that. Integrating shipping / payment / marketplaces is what seperates the successful from un-successful. I would like to see a webservices api (or at least a framework) to expand upon added as well.....

To be frank wxDevelopment, your type of thinking is exactly why nopCommerce or any other eCommerce platform will fall behind magento. By making intergration to marketplaces, directly into the back-end, makes it simplier for merchants to upload products to these marketplaces - thus helping them to achieve more sales, and subsequently more merchants willing to look at nopCommerce as a realistic alternative out there.

Next you will be telling me that nopCommerce shouldn't provide integration to Google Shopping, etc...... of course they should! yes, the development team, can't develop all the functionality that is required by everyone at once. Had eBay not bought magento, I would drop the eBay mantra and ask the team to focus on a webservices API as a foundation - but in my opinion, eBay have unfortunately forced peoples hands on this now. And this needs addressing.

There isn't just ebay - what about amazon & (UK I am referencing) but these can come later.

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