Full Text Search

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12 yıl önce
Hi Zar,
Im not sure were talking about the same part of the problem?

My issue is with the initial script that needs executing:

USE db1090557_ukbs;
  Language 1033)
KEY INDEX Nop_Product_PK ;

This complains and gives me the following error:

Language 1033)
KEY INDEX Nop_Product_PK ;
Msg 9967, Level 16, State 1, Line number 1
A default full-text catalog does not exist in database 'db1090557_ukbs' or user does not have permission to perform this action.

I am on shared hosting so the support team gave my user owner permissions and also tried to do it using the SU account and got the same error.

Im using v1.9
12 yıl önce
Sorry, I was not talking about your problem ;).
I reacted to the initial post.
12 yıl önce
ah ok. no problem.

I dont suppose you have any idea on my issue?

12 yıl önce
My host wont allow SQL changes on the server for my database to enable FULL TEXT.
Is there any other way of getting this search to work as should?

How on earth was this overlooked in the nopCommerce system? Surely a fundamental part of a product search is to allow for part keywords or incorrect product names to be entered as a search term??

This is crazy!!
12 yıl önce
Hi, ok I have now got a VPS to run nopCommerce sites on.

However, when I change the stored procedure to enable full text searching I get the following error:

Msg 7601, Level 16, State 3, Procedure Nop_ProductLoadAllPaged, Line 125
Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on column 'Name' because it is not full-text indexed.

Full Text Index has been enabled but I still cant execute the SP with the changes
12 yıl önce
No need to move to a VPS.

If you are on a shared hosting and when you try to create the full text index you get:

"A default full-text catalog does not exist in database '*****' or user does not have permission to perform this action."

You just need to create a default full-text catalog :

USE YourDatabaseName;

Then follow OP's instructions.
11 yıl önce
And here we go. Full-text support has been just added to nopCommerce. Have a look at changesets 7748a4f103f1 and 22694eb73350. Please test and let me know your thoughts

[UPDATE]:  I'm not able to test it in SQL Express (without advanced services installed) for some reasons. Please test it (if you have SQL Express installed) and let me know whether it works. Is any exception thrown on the "global and misc settings" page (admin area)?
11 yıl önce
Full Text - nice! :-) This is what the world needs: customers being able to find the products! :-)
11 yıl önce
a.m. wrote:
And here we go. Full-text support has been just added to nopCommerce. Have a look at changesets 7748a4f103f1.Please test and let me know your thoughts

Thanks Andrei!!
My 2 cents:
This changeset says "Allow a store owner to choose a search mode ("exact match", "OR", "AND")". I think is better to let the customer choose that and/or override store owner settings in Advance Search (alike Google advance search).
11 yıl önce
eadameg wrote:
This changeset says "Allow a store owner to choose a search mode ("exact match", "OR", "AND")". I think is better to let the customer choose that and/or override store owner settings in Advance Search (alike Google advance search).

Eduardo, thanks. But I think it's too complex for a store. Even Amazon with millions of products doesn't have such advanced search as Google does. Let's leave it for customization
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