Nopcommerce 2.0 Installation Wizard not working

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12 yıl önce
Has anyone figured out what is going on with my install of nopCommerce 2.0?

I am really at a stand still now.

The database connection string is correct and I am able to login to the database.  So I am not sure why the install thinks that the database instance does not exist.  Do I have to start all over and create a new database and not use the nopCommerce database create with 1.6 / 1.9?

Any help would be helpful.

Thank you.

12 yıl önce
Has anyone gotten nopCommerce 2.0 to work on GoDaddy?  Updating from 1.6 or 1.9 to the new 2.0 version?

My client really needs this working since I have stated that nopCommerce is a great eCommerce soluition.  Unfortunately I can not hosting site.

Please read my posts above and help me get this working.


12 yıl önce
Hello Everyone Again,

Well I tried a different approach to getting the nopCommerce 2.0 installed.
I created a new database on GoDaddy so that the install should create all the tables to get nopCommerce 2.0 up and running.  I entered my information on the nopCommerce Installation page.  Used the connection string for SQL server from Godaddy (copied and paste).  Used the username and password that I setup when creating the new database.

Ran the install... looking good... oh wait, Error.  Failed.  No database instance. Same error message that I was getting when trying to use an existing nopcommerce (1.90) database.  What am I doing wrong?  I have followed the instructions in the nopCommerce 2.0 manual (which I purchased) and also followed advise in this forum.

I have noticed alot of views for this topic, but no replies.  Can ANYONE HELP me with this?  

If I can not get this to work, I may have to have GoDaddy revert my hosting to Linux and use the ecommerce packages that is offered using the Linux platform.

Thank you,

12 yıl önce
Tom -

I have been having the same problem on GoDaddy this last week and monitoring this thread to see it get resolved.  I have been trying to create a new database with the same error message that you have posted several times.  I have found a work around that works for me, but this is not ideal (for several reasons) and would like to see someone from nop step up and help resolve the underlying issue.

What I did was to create my database with the "Allow Direct Database Access" checked.  This means they put it on a SQL server that has ports open to the internet.  Less secure of course, but easier to manage.  I then built the nopCommerce project using visual studio on my local machine and ran it in debug mode.  When the installation wizard came up, I put in the godaddy external database information and it was successful in creating the database from the locally running instance of the website.  After that I copied the local files (with the connections strigs already configured) through FTP to godaddy and it all linked up and worked.

What I DID NOT try was trying to create the database from the website hosted on godaddy and the database hosted on the external server (Allow Direct Database Access).  I am guessing that it would not have worked.

In my mind this points to a problem with GoDaddy where they probably aren't letting us manage the file permissions at a granular enough level and the error message in nop is misleading.

Folks at nop.  It seems like GoDaddy would be a good hosting provider to test and document since it is the most popular by far in the US.  There may be assumptions made in your installer that cannot be satisfied by the hosting provider, so you may need an alternative method of installation or to adjust your code.  On thought is to go back to providing the SQL scripts to create the database and allow the installation to connect to a completed database.

Good Luck!

12 yıl önce

Thanks for the input.  When I create my database I did not select the Direct option for security issues.  Now after you ftp the files up, did you change the access (remove the Direct option) to keep it secured?  Or do we need to leave it that way to keep the site working?

Now when I installed 1.9 (before they started offering at GoDaddy), I did not have this problem.

To the NopCommerce Team

What changed in your install process from 1.90 to 2.0?  The install for 1.9 was a lot easier and hardly any issues.  Also can someone answer Craig's post to nop regarding GoDaddy and how he was able to get it installed?

Looking forward to an answer to this so that other users that are on the GoDaddy hosting can get this to work.  Based on the views for this post, it seems users are watching this post for possible answers.

I will go ahead and try Craig's solution, but feel very uncomfortable with it since it opens a security issue.  The nopCommerce user guide does not state anything about special permissions when creating the database.


12 yıl önce
Well I got it to work on GoDaddy.

I had to create a new database and give it Direct access.  Now that it finally installed, I started to re-configure.

Started it up and boy is it slow to load.

I added just 3 categories no products.  Very Slow.  Any comments from the nopCommerce Team?


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