Problem displaying account details (inline style set to visibility:hidden) - SOLUTION in reply 4

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12 yıl önce
First of all, obviously I'm working with an old version - v1.6.  If it is inappropriate to ask questions about old versions here, please point me to the right place (I'm using 1.6 due to using a hosting service constrained to .NET v3.5).

I test locally using a SQL Server 2008 R2 (Express edition).  When I'm happy, I backup the database and upload it to my host's server and import it (for what it's worth, ny provider is, then upload the rest of the files for the web server.  This arrangement seems to work so far, but for one thing ...

When I test locally, I log on and look at the "My Account" page, and can see the whole of my details, ncluding the tabbed menu at the top.  When I do the same operation after uploading to the host server, the details are hidden when I look at the My Account page.  On examination using the user tools for IE9, I notice that the details on the page are set to hidden ...

    <div class="grey" id="ctl00_ctl00_cph1_cph1_CustomerTabs" style="visibility: hidden;">

... and all of the details are contained in further <div>s within this, so are also obviously not visible.

Can anyone tell me what's going on, and how I can cure the problem?

12 yıl önce
Further to my original post, on further investigation, it appears that anything using the ajaxToolkit:TabContainer is the same - renders with style="visibility: hidden;".

I assume this has something to do with the AjaxContainToolkit.dll.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? My site works locally if running within the Visual Web Developer (2010 Express), but when deployed to my web provider, it displays the behaviour as above.

Am I missing a reference, perhaps?  Is there a problem with my provider ( - does anyone else use them and experienced the problem)?

Any help will be gratefully received.
12 yıl önce
I did a bit more digging and found a couple of topics that have discussed this before - my initial search of the forums was obviously not thorough enough!

However, none of the suggestions have worked for me.

One suggestion was to add
<add name="ScriptResource" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="GET,HEAD" path="ScriptResource.axd" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>

to the <handlers> section of the web.config file, but it's already there.  Should I be able to see a ScriptResource.axd file anywhere on my web server?

Other related posts are:


PLEASE, ANYONE!!! My head is hurting from all this banging against a brick wall! :)
12 yıl önce
A bit more investigation, but no solution!

I set up a local server to test this on my Windows 7 (Home Premium) laptop using IIS (whatever version is the default), and it works fine if I connect to it from the local machine, or from an (effectively seperate virtual) machine running XP and various different flavours of explorer (IE, Safari, Firefox, Chrome).  They all work correctly (tabs displayed, and all information visible on the web site).

I changed the server to use classic rather than integrated app pooling to see if I could recreate the problem (a contributor in another topic said that changing from classic to integrated had cured the problem for him).  It made no difference, the information was still visible no matter what the settings were, so obviously this is not the problem.

Pointing all of the explorers at the test web site, they all fail to display the information when it is hosted at 1and1, so obviously there is a problem with the configuration on there - clearly it's not the web.config file, because that's the same on my local server and on the remote server, but perhaps there are some "global" things that are causing me a problem. And clearly it's an Ajax problem, the trouble is, I don't have a clue where to start looking!

Clues anyone?

{ Head <--> Wall }...

[edited to add ...]

I downloaded the latest version of the AjaxControlToolkit.dll for .NET 3.5 and installed that.  Guess what?  Still didn't resolve the problem :( :(
12 yıl önce
*** WOO HOO! ***

I managed to solve the problem.

On the Account.aspx page (I will need to do this on all other pages too, I presume), I set the CombineScripts property of the ToolkitScriptManager control to "False".

Not entirely sure why this worked - presumably having the scripts combined was somehow causing JavaScript load failure.

I hope this helps anyone else who has been struggling with this.
12 yıl önce
Found a solution here
Worked out for me, nopcommerce version 1.6

Hope it may help somebody ;-)
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