Installing nopCommerce 2.1 on GoDaddy

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12 yıl önce
Hope someone can help here.

My frontend is slow and my backend is not working at all so I figure I did something wrong.

I downloaded 2.1, I built 2.1 on my local computer, I ran 2.1 on my local computer, the installation script ran and everything works, on my local computer.

I now need to get this working on my GoDaddy hosting account. I setup a 2008 database that I could remotely connect to and that works.

I think this is where I blew it... I "Published" Nop.Web using Visual Studio 2010 "Publish" feature and published using ftp. I then went to look at the front end and it wanted to install so I gave the install the sql database information and let it install. The frontend worked, just really, really slow. I then "Published" Nop.Admin into a folder named "admin" off the root. That is not working.

I just deleted everything off of my GoDaddy hosting account and I am going to try it again.

In another thread Oscar Agreda said "download, Build (prepare) and Deploy NopCommerce to your local folder, then FTP Upload it  to your store folder".

What I need to know is what files do I ftp. Here is a screenshot of my nopCommerce root folder...

The application is built on my local computer. Do I just ftp everything or do I "Publish" like I did, but publish both Nop.Web and Nop.Admin before I run the install process.

There is probably some really concise, easy to follow instructions, but I have not found them. I almost think I am making this more difficult then it needs to be.

12 yıl önce
Got this working with some help from Oscar...

12 yıl önce
Rhek - How did you get your admin working on GoDaddy?  I keep getting a 404 - Page Not Found error.  I have the following Structure:

{store directory}/{admin directory}

The store works fine, but admin is not found.  Any suggestions?
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