Payment Plugins Development

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12 yıl önce
I've developed Custom Payment Plugins...its is listed in all plugins list...
But Problem is that.....Its not listed in Payment Method menu in admin panel....
Please Help Me....

Thank You....
12 yıl önce
Can you post your plugin source code here? A file which implements IPaymentMethod interface. Please also post Description.txt file here
12 yıl önce
This is my EBSPaymentProcessor.cs...
Please check it out..

and this is Description.txt

Thank you...
12 yıl önce
Why almost all of your methods and properties and not implemented? Complete them and try one more time
12 yıl önce
Okay let it go everything....
just answer my this question...

How to display billing address and shipping address on only one page....???

Thank You...
12 yıl önce
Not sure that I got you. Where do you want do display them? How is it related to the payment plugin?
12 yıl önce
its required data to be sent on another link....

just want to display both address on one page...
12 yıl önce
I want Billing address,Shipping address and order total  on same page ...because i will have to pass these information at one time using form post method to another link....

all these information are coming from different different models....

When i declared model name on view page....i got an error.....

Please Help me....
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