Shipping method for up to a specific weight.

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12 yıl önce
I've had a look but couldn't find another post for this. Here goes;

I have 4 shipping methods, two standard post and two courier. They are all fixed price but I want to only have the standard post methods available to customers who have orders up to the weight of 1kg. Over 1kg and they must select a courier method.

When I've tried to set the methods in the 'shipping by order weight' then it only calculates the by the gram which means that it isn't a fixed rate.

I'm using version 1.90.

Any help would be greatly apreciated!
12 yıl önce
I guess no one has any ideas then? :-(
12 yıl önce
Check the image on this LINK.

There is an option on the "Edit shipping rate computation method" called "Limit shipping methods to configured ones" that you have to check, so the customer only be presented with the options for the weight of the product he/she is buying.

(I'm sorry for my confusing english)

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
Manuel Seromenho
12 yıl önce
Thanks for that,

I've taken a look at it given it a try but it still doesnt quite work for me as I require fixed rate shipping prices but this works out the price per gram. For example, the price for anything up to 1kg needs to cost £5.50, anything over needs to go by another method.

When I've tried the method you suggested, the products under 1kg, like 500grams are charged at £2.25 instead of the full £5.50

Or am I missing something?
12 yıl önce
That's another problem, I'm not sure, but sometime ago, I had to change the code of this method, because I had some problem, I searched the forum and found the solution.

The idea is to have a fixed rate for each range of weight, yes?

I will search a bit as well!

Best regards,
Manuel Seromenho
12 yıl önce
I think this is the answer, but it seems there is an option now, instead of changing the code.

haydie wrote:

  configurable  since   v1.5  

in admin

configuration-->all settings

go to (approx) page 8

edit setting

ShippingByWeight.CalculatePerWeightUnit       -->    set to false

ShippingByWeightAndCountry.CalculatePerWeightUnit     -->     set to false

Best regards,
Manuel Seromenho
12 yıl önce
I appreciate your help Manuel,

I was starting to wonder if I would have to change some of the code, I'm a programmer though so although I can usually understand what is going on in c# I couldn't write it.

I've had a good look but couldn't find anything, perhaps I've been looking in the wrong place. Surely what i'm trying to do isn't that complicated!
12 yıl önce
Ok, found the section you found,

I'm running version 1.90 and it has appeared on page 12.
I've made the changes required and gone back into the shipping rate computation method page and the text now says charge amount instead of charge per gram.

Thank you ever so much my friend. I really appreciate it! :-)
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