nop 2.2/2.3: Payment method not available when price is 0

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12 yıl önce

If I have a product that is free I get the error <Payment Method not Available> after confirming the order and the order is not completed. Is it the wrong way to proceed products that is free, my setup is wrong or is it a bug?
I´ve tried with following payment methods: Payments.CheckMoneyOrder, Payments.PayInStore and Payments.PurchaseOrder. All giving the same error. But works fine if ordertotal>0.


Log niveau: Warning

kort logbesked: Payment method is not available

Fuld besked: System.Exception: Payment method is not available at Nop.Web.Controllers.CheckoutController.OpcConfirmOrder() in D:\nopCommerce_2.30_Source\nopCommerce_2.30_Source\Presentation\Nop.Web\Controllers\CheckoutController.cs:line 1274


Kunde: John Smith (Vis)

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Oprettet den: 12/10/2011 2:03:48 PM
12 yıl önce
Thanks for info. Fixed. Please see changeset b6d7799d6472
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