Nop Quick Tabs 2.3 plugin available with a number of enhancements!

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12 yıl önce
Hi everyone,

UPDATE: Nop Quick Tabs Plugin is also available for nopCommerce 2.5

We are glad to announce the release of Nop Quick Tabs plugin for nopCommerce 2.3.
With this release we pushed the plugin to a new level.
Here is the list of improvements of the Nop Quick Tabs:

1. Themeable Support - the tabs come with three predefined themes that you can choose from in the Admin panel.
   You can easily create your own new themes using the JQuery UI Themeroller.
   There is a step by step tutorial about how to do this on the plugin documentation page.

2. Ajax tabs loading is now configurable!
   You can enable/disable the Ajax loading of the tab content from the Admin panel.
   Turning Ajax off can be very useful if you want the search engines to index the content of your tabs.

3. Tabs sharing has never been easier!
   Have you ever wanted to add a tab with manufacturer Sizing Chart information to all products of a given Manufacturer?
   Have you ever wanted to add a tab with specific Delivery information for all products in a given Category?
   No problem, you are now covered as you can map Tabs to categories and manufacterers.
   Even more it will improve the consistency of your stores as the Tab will automatically be shared with any new products    added for the given category or manufacturer.

For live demos and more information please visit
The new version of the plugin is now paid but it comes with 1 year FREE Support and 1 year FREE Upgrades.
The FREE version of the plugin for nopCommerce 2.0/2.1/2.2 is still available for download.
For more information about our discount policy please read this blog post.

We would like to thank all of you who contributed with your priceless feedback in shaping this product!
12 yıl önce
will the FREE version of the plugin for nopCommerce 2.0/2.1/2.2 will be working for 2.3?
12 yıl önce
chennaistore wrote:
will the FREE version of the plugin for nopCommerce 2.0/2.1/2.2 will be working for 2.3?

No, the FREE version works only in 2.0/2.1/2.2.
The new version for nopCommerce 2.3 is PAID but there will be a FREE TRIAL(available tomorrow) for evaluation purposes only.
So you can play with the FREE TRIAL before purchasing it.

12 yıl önce
Beware of bait advertising from (from   they provide discount on the fashion template to get you through their door once you’re in they try to charge you to make it working to reach basic nopcommerce functionality.  I had negative and unprofessional experience from the support and will not recommend this product. According to the (from  they claim they have 50 installation of nopcommerce fashion theme world-wide and when I requested for the reference web site or customer testimonial they refused to provide. So if you plan to buy the product please do a reference check before buying and make sure you have a positive feedback from existing customers of the product. Good luck….
12 yıl önce
We are very curious how you had a negative experience with our theme, and how you concluded that it has basic functionality, when you never bought the theme!
The theme has all our plugins in it, and the plugins have trials (the ones that are paid) and the others you can download for free. Also the theme has a live view:

For more than a month we have been trying to explain to you that if this is not enough for you to decide whether to buy the theme or not, there is not much else we can do about it because:

1. Themes do not have trials for obvious reasons. They are open to modifications.

2. We have a privacy policy, and believe it or not, we cannot just disclose information about our clients!

Why didn't you just ask in our forum or here in the nopCommerce forum to ask people of their experience with our products and our support?

But you would rather register here only to contribute to the community with a total of 2 posts, duplicate ones, trying to discredit our product, based on what?!!! That we did not have a trial of the theme and that we do not disclose information about our customers!

Before you, driven solely by sheer spite, openly attack one of the most active nopCommerce solution partners, you should have thought of what you are really giving to the community with your only 2 posts and how many people that have done business with us will agree with your completely unfounded comments.

We are also wondering why when there are so many nopCommerce vendors, you stuck to us with endless email correspondence for nearly two months? Is it again just to give us a hard time or you really see something in our products after all?
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