NopCommerce 2.4 - MailChimp

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12 yıl önce
a.m. wrote: the WebHooks key field is intended to be used (still blank on mine)...
Webhooks allow you to collect information about events as they happen in near real-time. Please find more info here. For example, once a user unsubscribe from your newsletter on MailChimp site, your nopCommerce will be immediately notified about it. But currently only "unsubscribe" event is supported.

What's the Callback URL needed for the webhooks?

Is it something like


12 yıl önce
wunpac wrote:

What's the Callback URL needed for the webhooks?

Is it something like



OK, so I think its

11 yıl önce
Is it possible to select X products within nopCommerce and have nop generate a (MailChimp or other) newsletters based on selected products? If not, this would be a GREAT feature that would SAVE lots of time :) Is there any newsletter application that can do this?
11 yıl önce
breakskater wrote:
Is it possible to select X products within nopCommerce and have nop generate a (MailChimp or other) newsletters based on selected products? If not, this would be a GREAT feature that would SAVE lots of time :) Is there any newsletter application that can do this?

My suggestion was to allow customers to save their favorite categories. You could then send a newsletter personalised to their interests.

If the favorite categories feature gets added (vote here - I'll definately be developing a plugin that does what you are looking for.
11 yıl önce
I like that idea! It would also be nice to allow saving of favorite Manufacturers too, because most customers search by both manufactureres and categories.

11 yıl önce
MacTech wrote:
I see that version 2.4 has MailChimp support. I have installed version 2.4 and am able to see the MailChimp plugin in my 'Plugins' list. I have an account with MailChimp and have added an API Key from the MailChimp account to NopCommerce. However, I am unable to figure out how to proceed from here. How do I make use of this new functionality from NopCom? Can anyone please shed some light? Many thanks.

Hi MacTech,
can you guide me where I can find the WebHooks Key: that I have to paste in the field
or how I generate it?

Thanks, Ronny
11 yıl önce
MacTech wrote:
I see that version 2.4 has MailChimp support. I have installed version 2.4 and am able to see the MailChimp plugin in my 'Plugins' list. I have an account with MailChimp and have added an API Key from the MailChimp account to NopCommerce. However, I am unable to figure out how to proceed from here. How do I make use of this new functionality from NopCom? Can anyone please shed some light? Many thanks.

Hi MacTech,
can you guide me where I can find the WebHooks Key: that I have to paste in the field
or how I generate it?

Thanks, Ronny
11 yıl önce
RE: Webhooks,

what is the callback URL? I purchased the enterprise documentation and there is no mention of how to configure webhooks.

Per the MailChimp documentation...

... I need to enter a callback uri on, something like

or possibly

Can anybody provide a step-by-step guid on how to setup Webhooks on nopCommerce?

1) enter a WebHook key on 'configuration -> plugins -> Misc.MailChimp -> Configure' (nopCommerce)
2a) go to 'Lists -> "List Name" -> View -> Stats Overview -> List Tools -> WebHooks' (
2b) enter callback url ????
2c) uncheck all except unsubscribes (per this thread) on "What type of updates should we send?"
2d) check Via the API on "Only send updates when a change was made by ..."

Would really appreciate clarification on how the plugin is implemented.

1) what is the callback URL
2) are the steps (my understanding) I posted correct?

thank you all for your time.
11 yıl önce
I wanted to know this as well. So I looked further into it. I haven't tested it, but I think it works as follows:

* Set a webhook key in nopcommerce admin. You can create this unique key yourself, it's just to make the call hard to guess.
* In mailchimp you can enter the webhook url, it would be:

That should be enough, I'm going to test it tonight. Good luck!
11 yıl önce
Btw. It looks like only unsubscribe is supported, so that's the only option I would check within mailchimp.
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