Widget Plugin error

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12 yıl önce

I´m developing a new widget plugin but get an error 500 internal server error when saving this in the plugin script field:

<style type="text/css">
.tpc_widget {
display: none;
position: relative;
width: 160px;
height: 320px;
#tp_widget .tpc_bg {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
#tp_widget .tpc_bottom {
background-color: #FFFFFF;

It´s the part in bold causing the error as if left out it´s able to save without error.

Any suggestions why this causes the error?
12 yıl önce
Does CSS support # selector?
12 yıl önce
If i inserts the same code manually on the site instead of via plugin it´s working.

I don´t understand why I get the internal server error when saving on the plugin configuration site.
It most be in the save process of plugin something goes wrong.
12 yıl önce
How about moving them into external .css file (like 'Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.OpenId' plugin does)?
12 yıl önce
a.m. wrote:
How about moving them into external .css file (like 'Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.OpenId' plugin does)?

Sounds like an good idea, I will try to do that, thanks for your help :-)
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