Order price changes in the last step

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12 yıl önce
Recently configured a webshop and the according currencies, taxes and locations.

Next, i tried to place an order and it all goes well until the very final step.

I have a product that costs €32,00. I order it, go through all the cart steps and in the end, in the order complete status, there's a link <click here for order details>. When clicking this, the product suddenly costs €21.76.

In administration, checking the orders, they all say €32,00. VAT is included and shipment costs are set to 0 (at present).

Being bit of a noob, i don't see what could be causing this. Anyone has any idea maybe?

using nopcommerce 2.40
12 yıl önce
Can you go through checkout again and look at the price at the bottom of the screen each time?  That might help you determine where it is changing.
12 yıl önce
Thanks for the reply...

Seems i needed to set the currency exchange rate to 1
Took me a couple of hours, but i found the answer right here:
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