Terms Of Service checkbox shows up on /cart page, but not in left nav

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12 yıl önce

I have configured my shop such that the Terms of Service must be read and "checked" before the customer can proceed through the checkout process....this checkbox is displayed on the /cart page and it works just fine.  However, there is no such checkbox in the leftnav's cart (for obvious reasons; there's not really a lot of room for it in the left nav), and clicking "Checkout" under the cart in the leftnav redirects the customer directly to the /billingaddress page, bypassing the /cart page where the Terms of Service checkbox is located.

Is there a simple way for me to address this?  Can I redirect the user to /cart instead of /billingaddress when they click "Checkout" from the leftnav?  Or could I possibly present the Terms of Service when they click "Checkout" from the leftnav prior to the redirect to /billingaddress?

Thanks in advance.

12 yıl önce
Another possibility is to put it only on the Register page.   (Unless you really want customers to have to check it every time they purchase)
12 yıl önce
Thanks.  Do you know if your suggestion is something I can accomplish via the Administration tool?  I've looked, but I can't find anything there.

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