orders export v2.3 filtered order list

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12 yıl önce
Hi All,

I am trying to create a export packing slips feature for v2.3 on the orders list page in admin area, I need to pass the list of orders which are a result of orderSearch.

I am getting stuck at the part where I need to pass the model parameter to the action method.

Inside List.cshtml:

<a href="@Url.Action("PdfPackagingSlips", ???)" class="t-button">Print Packing Slips</a>

Inside Orders controller:

        public ActionResult PdfPackagingSlips(OrderListModel model)
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageOrders))
                return AccessDeniedView();

            DateTime? startDateValue = (model.StartDate == null) ? null
                            : (DateTime?)_dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUtcTime(model.StartDate.Value, _dateTimeHelper.CurrentTimeZone);

            DateTime? endDateValue = (model.EndDate == null) ? null
                            : (DateTime?)_dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUtcTime(model.EndDate.Value, _dateTimeHelper.CurrentTimeZone).AddDays(1);

            OrderStatus? orderStatus = model.OrderStatusId > 0 ? (OrderStatus?)(model.OrderStatusId) : null;
            PaymentStatus? paymentStatus = model.PaymentStatusId > 0 ? (PaymentStatus?)(model.PaymentStatusId) : null;
            ShippingStatus? shippingStatus = model.ShippingStatusId > 0 ? (ShippingStatus?)(model.ShippingStatusId) : null;

            var orders = _orderService.SearchOrders(startDateValue, endDateValue, orderStatus,
                paymentStatus, shippingStatus, model.CustomerEmail, model.OrderGuid, 0, 10000);
            var orderList = new List<Order>();

             foreach(Order order in orders){
            string fileName = string.Format("packagingslip_{0}_{1}.pdf", "", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"));
            string filePath = string.Format("{0}content\\files\\ExportImport\\{1}", this.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath, fileName);
            _pdfService.PrintPackagingSlipsToPdf(orderList, filePath);
            var bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
            return File(bytes, "application/pdf", fileName);


Please help me if I have lost my way... Appreciate your support.

12 yıl önce
Hi, did you resolve this?

I have literally just amended my code to include a check box and ability to print the checked orders pdf packing slip or order invoice, is this similar to what you're after?

Many thanks,

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