Reference/Reuse existing Services in a Widget

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12 yıl önce

I am novice in nopCommerce. I am writting a plugin(widget),and want to make use of existing service and extract from database the list of all manufacturers using an existing function from the Manufacturer class.

But I stumbled up on how to get the service reference Or should I recreate a service class instance ( and how ), or there are other methods of getting a existing instance of that service, can someone help?

the function i want to reuse is:  GetAllManufacturers()

12 yıl önce
Have your project reference the Nop.Services and Nop.Core projects.

In your class add to the top:

using Nop.Services.Catalog;
using Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog;

That's the namespace for the service you want and Core defines the Manufacturer object.

Then create a member to hold the service:

private readonly IManufacturerService _manufacturerService;

Then inject the interface into your constructor:

public YourClass(IManufacturerService manufacturerService)
   this._manufacturerService = manufacturerService;

The DI container will put the correct implementation class in your field, even if it gets swapped out later.

Now just use the method you want:

IList<Manufacturer> list = _manufacturerService.GetAllManufacturers();
12 yıl önce
Thanks , that worked fine !

I was trying different methods, recreating the class, creating a separate service for the widget and all without success.
But in the end all is so simple, I didn't know that the framework passes automatically references to service instances into constructor - that's cool and simple:)
12 yıl önce
double click - double post
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