How to build misc plugin in nopcommerce.web

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12 yıl önce
Hi. this is my first post here.

I have created one misc plugin. but I don't know now how to put this in nopcommerce.web.

following is my plugin description.

plugin: TestPlugin
View: iTestPlugin where I have two input Name and Note
Domain: iTestRecord, I have two properies, Name and Note
Models: iTestListModel and iTestModel
Data: iTestMap and iTestObjectContext
Service: iTestService and IiTestService(interface)
Controller: iTestPlugin

My table: iTestPlugin

I can add both values in database by configure form in plugin in administrator.

Now I want to list out all these values only in home page before ToplcBlock.

I did following steps but getting errors. are these steps right? or how to add misc plugin in nopcommerce.web

step1: I create one view in common folder and named it iTestView. (blank view)

step2: I added following code in commoncontroller
          // object declare
           private readonly IMiscPlugin _miscPlugin;
          // in common constructors
          this._miscPlugin = miscplugin // where miscplugin is parameter argument of constructor

step3: Action method in common controller
        public ActionResult iTestAction()
            RouteValueDictionary routeValues;
            string actionName;
            string controllerName;
            _miscPlugin.GetConfigurationRoute(out actionName, out controllerName, out routeValues);
            var model = new Nop.Web.Models.Common.MiscModel();
            model.ActionName = actionName;
            model.ControllerName = controllerName;
            model.RouteValues = routeValues;
            return PartialView(model);

step4: index.chtml

@Html.Action("iTestAction", "Common")
<div class="clear">

when I run project, I get this error.

No parameterless constructor defined for this object.

I think it is because of common constructor where I used IMiscPlugin object.

My  GetConfigurationRoute method as following code
public void GetConfigurationRoute(out string actionName, out string controllerName, out RouteValueDictionary routeValues)
            actionName = "Index";
            controllerName = "iTestPlugin";
            routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary() { { "Namespaces", "Nop.Plugin.Misc.iTestPlugin.Controllers.Controllers" }, { "area", null } };

Note: I have no issue in plugin code. I just want to know how to add misc plugin in nopcommerce.web project.

12 yıl önce
Hello Imrankhan

have you solved your problem?
I'm having the same issue

best wishes
12 yıl önce
12 yıl önce
eadameg wrote:

just as Imrankhan said

Note: I have no issue in plugin code. I just want to know how to add misc plugin in nopcommerce.web project.

the article just teaches how to create a plugin... using a payment plugin as example which will be automatically show to the user at payments page..

but I want to use my plugin in another page
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