New MVC 3 area registration

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12 yıl önce
I'm attempting to follow the same architecture as the administration area (Nop.Admin) to create my own area specific to my website but it doesn't work. I know my AreaRegistration class is being called because the url I mapped works after the application has started but during run-time my default view is trying to use the Nop.Web.Controllers.HomeController controller instead of the one I've specified which is Backoffice.Controllers.HomeController. Is there something special to nopCommerce that I need to do to get my area to register properly? This is nopCommerce 2.3.

Here's my registration class:

namespace Backoffice
    public class BackofficeRegistration : AreaRegistration
        public override string AreaName
            get { return "Backoffice"; }

        public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
                new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional, area = AreaName },
                new[] { "Backoffice.Controllers" }
12 yıl önce
Ok, hunted this down finally. I needed to add my custom area to these files so that nopcommerce knows to look for my area in a specific folder:


Big thanks to RouteDebugger for helping me visually see what routes were matching.

I still have another issue where http://mysite/backoffice throws a 403.14 in IIS and i have to call it like this http://mysite/backoffice/home in order for anything to pop up. Hunting down this issue next..
12 yıl önce
All kinds of caveats when trying to do a custom area. The last remaining issue was due to the fact that my route url "Backoffice" was the same as the physical folder on the drive. So when browsing http://mysite/backoffice IIS thought I wanted to browse the folder contents and that was causing the 403.14 errors. I renamed my folder to something else, updated the various hard-coded view engine files and now everything works just fine.
12 yıl önce
I am going to follow your post but I think MVC dropped the ball on this one.  Currently, I am building a site that the customer wanted Content Management for, a shopping cart component, and a Blog section.  After trying to get the three applications to "play" together including areas, I finally resorted to creating 3 sites,, and

IMO, creating a area in order to incorporate another website should be as simple as creating a folder and placing your web app in there.  I ran out of time trying to get areas to work.  I'll have to try your approach.  There are advantages to my approach.  The disadvantages are: needing 3 static ips and possibly 3 site certificates, Skinning 3 different sites to look like one another, creating a universal login for all three.
12 yıl önce
You can actually just right click the Nop.Web project and choose Add -> Area. This will create an named isolated area for you under a special Area folder and this should work out-of-box with nopCommerce according to the code in their custom view engine (haven’t verified this myself yet). However doing it this way the code is not in a separate .net project/assembly which is what I wanted to continue the existing architecture already present (Nop.Admin) and also have the option of re-usability and easier updates to the code base.

For you current setup you can assign the Host Headers/Names under “Bindings” in IIS7.5 for each of the three sites and still only have one IP. I don’t know squat about certificates; yet. is probably the best place to ask/find out more.

To paint a better picture of doing it as a separate project this was the basic folder setup: (note: your physical folder cannot be the same as your url route or you'll get 403.14 errors)
  Administration (Nop.Admin project files are under here)
  CustomerBackoffice (Backoffice project files are under here)
        _Layout.cshtml (make sure you change code in this file to match the physical folder name)
      _ViewStart.cshtml (make sure you change code in this file to match the physical folder name)


//little hack to get nop's admin area to be in /Administration/ instead of /Nop/Admin/ or Areas/Admin/
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(areaName) && areaName.Equals("admin", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
  var newLocations = areaLocations.ToList();
  newLocations.Insert(0, "~/Administration/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml");
  newLocations.Insert(0, "~/Administration/Views/{1}/{0}.vbhtml");
  newLocations.Insert(0, "~/Administration/Views/Shared/{0}.cshtml");
  newLocations.Insert(0, "~/Administration/Views/Shared/{0}.vbhtml");
  areaLocations = newLocations.ToArray();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(areaName) && areaName.Equals("backoffice", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
  var newLocations = areaLocations.ToList();
  newLocations.Insert(0, "~/CustomerBackoffice/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml");
  newLocations.Insert(0, "~/CustomerBackoffice/Views/{1}/{0}.vbhtml");
  newLocations.Insert(0, "~/CustomerBackoffice/Views/Shared/{0}.cshtml");
  newLocations.Insert(0, "~/CustomerBackoffice/Views/Shared/{0}.vbhtml");
  areaLocations = newLocations.Concat(areaLocations).ToArray();


ViewLocationFormats = new[]





PartialViewLocationFormats = new[]




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