Google Analytics in version 2.5 not showing up

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12 yıl önce

I cannot find the settings to update the Google Analytics plugin, please help.  When I view all settings and search for Google I get the values which are enabled, with a UA- ID from the previous version, but the Google Analytics code is not showing up in my view source.  Where should this show and how to get it enabled so we can start tracking again?  i didn't see anything on the Thank you page either for tracking the orders...
12 yıl önce
You need to go to Plugins and make sure it is installed first. After that you need to go to Widgets (which I believe is under Content Management) and there you should find the Google Analytics option which you can configure.
12 yıl önce
Go to Admin section / Content Management / Widgets

On the right hand side...You will see this:

Available Widget Plugins

Google Analytics                       Add to zone   <- Click Here

In the next screen, define the widget zone where you want your Analytics code to sit and in the "Tracking code with {ECOMMERCE} line: " Save your Analytics code

In the ID (save your Google Analytics ID)
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