Payment Gateways

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12 yıl önce
Hi all,
does anyone know what happens the all the payment gateways once the upgrades have been done from 1.9?
SagePay primarily but most of them have disappeared??

can anyone help please?

11 yıl önce
All of the Payment Methods/Providers are actually plugins and must be located under the Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins folder. Verify the missing payment methods are there. The Description.txt file for each plugin contains a SupportedVersions line that lists the exact nopCommerce versions that the plugin supports. If this number does not include your current nopCommerce version the plugin won't load. So for instance if you upgraded to nopCommerce 2.4 and the SupportedVersions line still has 1.9 in it then the plugin won't load. If that is the case you probably didn't upgrade everything correctly or you need to re-compile everything. You also need to the administration area and select Configuration -> Plugins and see if the missing payment plugins are listed. If not click the "Reload list of plugins" button at the top right and see if they show up.
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