SEO meta tag description topic pages

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14 yıl önce
How can I change overwrite the default description in the topics AboutUs, ShippingInfo ect. ?
I get the same description for all topics.
14 yıl önce
1. Add MetaKeywords, MetaDescription, MetaTitle properties to LocalizedTopic entity.
2. Use them in the "Page_Load" handler of "Topic.aspx" page.
14 yıl önce
Still learning. Just found my topics on google and it look OK as it is. So I won't add at the moment.

A small question:

string description = SettingManager.GetSettingValue("Topic.AboutUs.MetaDescription");
SEOHelper.RenderMetaTag(this.Page, "description", description, true);

This will change the description in a specific topic. Do you consider this a hack?

Best regards
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