Feature Request: Conditional checkout attributes

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11 yıl önce
Conditional checkout attributes

This was mentioned here, but I don't see a work item.

I think conditions (requirements) could be handled similar to the way they are for Discounts.  (Maybe the requirements plugins could be used by both.)

It's possible that above would be used instead of this "Accept negative discounts"

P.S.  Checkout Attribute radio buttons look a bit crowded.  I've added this style to add a margin to left of button

.order-summary-content .checkout-attributes input[type="radio"]{margin-left:10px}
11 yıl önce
Thanks. Please vote here

New York wrote:
P.S.  Checkout Attribute radio buttons look a bit crowded.  I've added this style to add a margin to left of button

.order-summary-content .checkout-attributes input[type="radio"]{margin-left:10px}

It also moves the first button which doesn't look good when you have several attributes with distinct types. Please see this example - http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/9827/radiobuttoncheckoutattr.jpg
11 yıl önce
Yes, I guess it can't be done with just css without impacting other items.  So, I added a "spacer" class

.attribute-spacer {float:left; width:10px; height:1px;}

and added div to the View


                    case AttributeControlType.RadioList:
                            foreach (var caValue in attribute.Values)
                    <input id="@(controlId)" type="radio"  ...
                    <label for="@(controlId)"> ...
                    <div class="attribute-spacer"></div>              
but I just could not get it to work right, so I changed the div to a label for now (hack :)
11 yıl önce
New York wrote:

Maybe, it's better to use CSS3 to skip the first radio input (example here).
8 yıl önce
Hi Dennis,

Please check out the following post of mine - https://www.nopcommerce.com/boards/t/18325/suggestion-conditional-product-variant-and-checkout-attributes-depending-on-other-attributes.aspx#151560. I think conditional checkout attributes will also be supported soon
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