Nop.Web.Controllers.CatalogController( ? ) Constructors?

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11 yıl önce
I'm trying to create a plugin that gives an alternate view of the category list on the home page and as near as I can tell this means I need access to the methods and objects in the Nop.Web.Controllers.CatalogController.

There is plenty of information out there on passing parameters to the methods of a controller but, none about passing to the constructor.  Can someone point me to a link or throw me a keyword I can use in my search?  I've already purchased the only 2 major MVC books on Amazon and found nothing about controller constructors accepting parameters or where they are instantiated.  The MSDN library doesn't have anything on constructor overrides either, along with countless google and bing searches over 8 or so hours.
11 yıl önce
PS: Really appreciate any information anyone can contribute.  Thank you.
11 yıl önce
Okay, so being a nub to MVC I have since resolved this.

For anyone else, very briefly: if you're creating a plugin you can just add the interface names to your plugins controller constructor method and these interfaces are resolved using the default dependency injector.  Just copy the interfaces you want that you see in a default nopcommerce controllers constructor method and paste it into the plugin controller constructor method.
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