v2.65 Shipping by Total Problem

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11 yıl önce
I am currently testing an upgrade from v2.6 to v2.65 and when implementing the Shipping by Total plugin, it does not seem to be working correctly? I have setup a records. One set for $0.00-$200.00 at $10.00. The other set for $200.01-$1,000,000 at 5%. When I walk through the shopping cart it does not calculate shipping correctly.

Is anyone else having problems? Any suggestions?
11 yıl önce
SilhouetteBS wrote:
it does not calculate shipping correctly.

What exactly is calculated wrong? Please provide steps to reproduce the issue
11 yıl önce
Sorry about that, I should have included it. After adding products to the cart that total over $200.01 it states that shipping is $0. Same with if there is under $200.00. It should charge $10.00 for anything under $200 or 5% of total for anything over $200.00.
11 yıl önce
A $0 result in all cases would make me suspect it's a "Free Shipping" issue.
If all items (product variants) in cart are "Free Shipping" (check), then you get $0 final rate
Also check Settings > Shipping Settings >  Free shipping over 'X':

EDIT: (I was just doing some custom work with Customer Role, and noticed that...)
Also, check Customer Role > Free Shipping:
11 yıl önce
Shipping costs are coming constant 0.
I do not understand.
I could not find a solution.

good work
11 yıl önce
If you have already checked that you don't have the Free Shipping as mentioned above, then check your Shipping By Total configuration.  Make sure your Country/State records listed will always match, or have a record for Country=* / State=*
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