Shipping.ByTotal Plugin

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11 yıl önce
Scenario: Any subtotal greater than or equal to $400 gets free shipping.

Problem: When the subtotal is less than or equal to $400, the option is visible and enalbed during checkout.

Question: Is this by design or am I missing something? Shouldn't this option be either disabled or not shown.
11 yıl önce
ezrussmith wrote:
Scenario: Any subtotal greater than or equal to $400 gets free shipping.

Problem: When the subtotal is less than or equal to $400, the option is visible and enalbed during checkout.

Question: Is this by design or am I missing something? Shouldn't this option be either disabled or not shown.

I checked this on my store and the shipping by total plugin worked fine for me when I added over $400 dollar into the cart.

Here is what you might check.

Go to the configure page of the shipping by total plugin

Admin -> Configuration -> Plugins -> Click on the "configure" for the shipping by total plugin

Make sure that you have a shipping by total record that is something like:


from:  $400.01

To:  $1,000,000

Use percentage: Checked

Charge amount: 40


Or however you need it.  Just make sure that your last shipping by total record (to $1,000,000) is greater than your customer's largest purchase.

Also you might want to make sure that you check the "Limit shipping methods to configured ones" checkbox.

If this doesn't fix it, then you might try re-installing the shipping by total plugin to see if that helps.

Hope this works for you.
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