Cant run installation Wizard Please

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14 yıl önce
Please  HELP

I have just downloaded nopcommerce and uploaded files to my remote server hosting accout and got the database ready.  i then try to go to to try to run the installation wizard and then all i get is a page of code and no installation wizard.   Is this something I can fix or is there something wrong with the code or something obvious that i am not seeing?
14 yıl önce
A wise thing to do


Install NopCommerce in your local machine, run it perfectly with all those seperate database stuff like that.

Finally when it is working, upload those files to your hosting account.


1. Backup and restore the database in the hosting account.

2. Change the connection string according to your hosting account in the ConnectionString.Config file

cool you are ready to go

Even I had problems installing nop commerce in my local machine, now i am good,

And i have successfully change the templates as well..with new design...

good luck
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