front end website hangs when uploading a picture

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11 yıl önce

Some of the images get to around 6meg, depending on the product.  The items are antiques so detailed photos required to show wear and condition.
11 yıl önce
its the whole page that doesn't load until the picture upload is finished. it doesn't matter what page the whole font end site isn't available until upload is finished.  I did wonder if it was something to do with database connection as it will be writing image to the database can it then connect to load page itmes at the same time?

11 yıl önce
6 megs really is pretty big for a product image; I can compress an absolutely huge (2400px x 1800px) image to about 250k, and still have fairly high quality. You are on a shared hosting account, right? nopCommerce in its normal running state can exceed the amount of memory available to a shared hosting account; images that huge could definitely be causing an issue with memory.

Is it possible to offer the 6mg files as a separate download, say in a catalog format? You can still provide decently hi-res files per product, or a catalog download (as a free product to registered users) for the ultra hi-res images. That'll let you capture more registered users, and improve your overall site performance.
11 yıl önce
reddan wrote:

Some of the images get to around 6meg, depending on the product.  The items are antiques so detailed photos required to show wear and condition.

I understand that to show an 100 x 1000 pixels image in normal monitor screen you don't nedd por than 0.50 megs. The screen cannot show more details.
Under normal conditions (when you are not uploading images) do your product detail pages download fast?
Are you showing  just one or several of those images per product?
Are you using big zoom/lens effects?
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