Display stock

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14 yıl önce
Hi there,

I am using the manage stock functionality with the disable buy button option when there is no stock. It seems that the add to cart button does not get disabled, maybe because i am editing the stock from the database . Is there any fix to this?
If not is there any easy way of displaying the stock per variant ?

14 yıl önce
You're right. It's not disabled, because you're editing the stock from the database. It'll be disabled after placing an order.

Displaying the stock per variant will require some source code modifications. Look at \NopCommerceStore\Modules\ProductVariantsInGrid.ascx
14 yıl önce
I think i did it. I just added the following code in the module.

Stock:<asp:Label runat="server" ID="stock" Visible='<%# !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Eval("StockQuantity").ToString()) %>'>
                                        <%# Eval("StockQuantity")%>

Is there any way of displaying the stock in the product browsing (not the details) when there arent any variants?
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