"The specified email already exists" when i tried to login with Facebook account

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10 yıl önce
derckie wrote:
Hi maverjk,

It is working ok for new accounts, but existing accounts cannot login. They have an old facebook id in the db and still receive a error when they try to login.

Ik can give you rdp access to my dev servers to debug my facebook problems if you want. I disabled the facebook plugin for now

Hi derckie,

I don't think the existing account able to use it anymore, because the code that given by facebook is not working anymore, you need to remove the code and email account, then the visitor who cannot login with facebook ID, must re-login again.
10 yıl önce
Maverjk wrote:
Hello Derkie

The fact that new customers have a short ID string means that the registration was done in a correct way.
Unfortunately the way to register facebook account have changed from the old plugin, this is the reason why the old plugin have stop to work. The new plugin is perfectly working, you have to clean your customer table (this doesn't means that you have to delete all your customers account, what you should do is to remove the facebook accounts and register again).

However I think that more of this I can't help.

The plugin is perfectly working, in your case your customer table is messed up.

Maverjk wrote:
Hello Derkie

I cannot guarantee this, you can just try.
Personally I have sort the problem just cleaning the facebook accounts reference.
The table customers gives you the list of all your customers, while the table "ExternalAuthenticationRecord" gives you the list of all the accounts registered with an external authentication. If you delete a record in the customer table (with an external authentication) then it should be deleted automatically also in "ExternalAuthenticationRecord". Of course you have to be careful if these accounts have orders and other kind of movements. You can check this in the admin area.

The fact that some account give back the error message "mail already exist" means that nopcommerce doesn't recognize that user registered so it starts the registration process again, but because the email is already present in the customer table you get the error message. Try to check in the "customer" table if this accounts have the field "deleted" to 0 and the field "active" to 1.

However if it starts to get this kind of problems I really suggest you to revise your customer table.
10 yıl önce
a.m. wrote:
Facebook used obsolete Facebook API in 2.80. It was fully rewritten in the upcoming version 3.00. Wait until it released (in several days) and download beta and get the plugin from there


I am using 2.8 and got into this issue, and downloaded 3.0 Facebook plugin but when I build the solution I get error for not finding the references:

For Autofac I see a newer version is used, can you please advise on best way to use the newer versions and fix references?

Thank you,
10 yıl önce
ckhawand wrote:
Facebook used obsolete Facebook API in 2.80. It was fully rewritten in the upcoming version 3.00. Wait until it released (in several days) and download beta and get the plugin from there


I am using 2.8 and got into this issue, and downloaded 3.0 Facebook plugin but when I build the solution I get error for not finding the references:

For Autofac I see a newer version is used, can you please advise on best way to use the newer versions and fix references?

Thank you,

Hello Charbel

I suggest to replace the plugin reference with the same kinds that you can find in the NOP-C source code (in your case v.2.80).
10 yıl önce
ckhawand wrote:
Facebook used obsolete Facebook API in 2.80. It was fully rewritten in the upcoming version 3.00. Wait until it released (in several days) and download beta and get the plugin from there


I am using 2.8 and got into this issue, and downloaded 3.0 Facebook plugin but when I build the solution I get error for not finding the references:

For Autofac I see a newer version is used, can you please advise on best way to use the newer versions and fix references?

Thank you,

actually i have shared the version that already fixed you can get it here http://eshiply.me/t/free-resources
10 yıl önce

If I uninstall the Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.OpenId plugin and remove its folder would that affect the Facebook plugin?

Nop-Commerce version 2.80

10 yıl önce
ckhawand wrote:

If I uninstall the Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.OpenId plugin and remove its folder would that affect the Facebook plugin?

Nop-Commerce version 2.80


probably not, you may try it but before it you backup a copy of it..
8 yıl önce

Can you tell me how to solve this.

When using the Facebook External Authentication plugin to login the user is returned to the url of for example

http://localhost:15536/login#_=_ and give me error message  "Email is required."

I've tried to figure out where that #_=_ is coming from but cannot find it. Please help

7 yıl önce
I also have the same problem with Nopcommerce 3.80
How can i solve this?
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