Substantial bottle neck in nopCommerce 3.0 catalog pages!

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11 yıl önce
a.m. wrote:
Please see changeset ("Significant performance optimization for stores which use discounts assigned to categories").

It fixed the performance issues with the category discounts for me too. Thanks.
11 yıl önce
This fix is also available in the downlodable package on ? (Web no source)
10 yıl önce
nbaccon wrote:
This fix is also available in the downlodable package on ? (Web no source)

i think not yet, you have to update the code by yourself
10 yıl önce
Can be the same what in changeset 7e68389ef0a7 (playing with cache)
to be applied for SpecificationAttributeService.GetSpecificationAttributeOptionbyId ?

reason is: on load test that operation took 30% of the processor time.
10 yıl önce
kaunuk wrote:
Can be the same what in changeset 7e68389ef0a7 (playing with cache)
to be applied for SpecificationAttributeService.GetSpecificationAttributeOptionbyId ?

reason is: on load test that operation took 30% of the processor time.

It could be done but it won't help because SpecificationAttributeService.GetSpecificationAttributeOptionbyId is invoked only for distinct IDs. The performance solution could be loading ALL specification attribute options for one SQL request. And here it is. Please see changeset
10 yıl önce
One more changeset ( has been committed to the upcoming version 3.30. It can significantly improve performance for most stores.
10 yıl önce

I am trying to implement  the changesheet (dbc33acde183) to my nopcommerce 3.2 installation.

But the CountryService.cs file seems to be very different than the one shown in the changesheet:

Here is the one from changesheet:

private readonly IRepository<Country> _countryRepository;
38           private readonly IRepository<StoreMapping> _storeMappingRepository;
39           private readonly IStoreContext _storeContext;
40           private readonly CatalogSettings _catalogSettings;
41           private readonly IEventPublisher _eventPublisher;
42           private readonly ICacheManager _cacheManager;

But my file has following code at sail line count - 38

   /// </remarks>
        private const string COUNTRIES_SHIPPING_KEY = "{0}";
        /// <summary>
        /// Key pattern to clear cache
        /// </summary>
        private const string COUNTRIES_PATTERN_KEY = "";

and the private properties are at line No. 49 and there are only 3 existing properties

        private readonly IRepository<Country> _countryRepository;
        private readonly IEventPublisher _eventPublisher;
        private readonly ICacheManager _cacheManager;

Did I miss anything? I have downloaded source code from nopcommerce website today only.

Please help.
9 yıl önce
i was new to NopCommerce,MCV & EF aswell, i was assigned to improve the performance in one of our eCommerce application, we are using nopCommerce 3.0 version, the home page category and sub category page taking more than 15 secs to load for the first time, we are having just 25 categories each may have 30+ products, can anyone help me where to start?
9 yıl önce
nimhad wrote:
i was new to NopCommerce,MCV & EF aswell, i was assigned to improve the performance in one of our eCommerce application, we are using nopCommerce 3.0 version, the home page category and sub category page taking more than 15 secs to load for the first time, we are having just 25 categories each may have 30+ products, can anyone help me where to start?

Hi nimhad, if possible try to upgrade to 3.4 and above. that will solve the issues
9 yıl önce
Hi Etws...
Thanks for your responce, as i am not aware of the code changes made by previous team, can we directly updage to latest version? or do we need to check any thing.
my doubt is if they have changed any code(framework) classes, the will it effect to my project after upgrade.

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