Need more detail on Installation of 3.0

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11 yıl önce
Do I upload the upgrade.sql to the server?
Where do I put to to run, root directory...

How do I execute it?  Do I just type the file name in the browser URL bar?
11 yıl önce
Please provide more details.

Is it a new install or are you trying to upgrade to 3.0? Moreover, what hosting you're using? VPS or Shared hosting? Once you share more details we or someone else will be able to help you on how to do it.
11 yıl önce
I am upgrading from 2.8 to 3.0.  I am on shared hosting with
11 yıl önce
Ramon - do you have a staging environment separate from your live site, or a local instance you've tested your upgrade on before applying it to your live site?
11 yıl önce
I have a test domain to use as the staging area.  I was unsure how to run the upgrade program so I didn't know how to use the staging area.
11 yıl önce
It seems like a simple question I had originally asked.

How to I execute the upgrade.sql file?
11 yıl önce
Found the answer in another post.

You need to open the SQL Server Management Studio application (or a third-party query analyzer if you use one), connect to the database server using your database server name or IP address. Once you are connected there will be a dropdown up top to select which database you want to use. Click New Query to write a new query, copy the contents of the upgrade script into this window, then hit execute.

I did this and it worked with no errors.
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