nop 3.0 - Combining Scripts at run-time

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10 yıl önce

I thought nopCommerce could combine all the core .js scripts in the folder /Scripts at run-time.  But when I test a site as Release, all scripts are loaded individually.  Am I missing a setting?

Thank you.
10 yıl önce
Ok, nevermind.
I am making use of AjaxMin, which can be imported into the project or used at the command line once you are ready for the project to be released.
10 yıl önce
Script combing won't work with debug enabled (setting configuration to Release in VS is a bit another thing). Open web.config file, find "compilation" element, set its "debug" attribute to "false" in order to enable combining and minification.

P.S. This automatically done when deploying the application (based on rules in Web.Release.config file)
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