Homepage Product Sort Order

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14 yıl önce
Is there a way for the sort order on the Homepage of the store.  Right now I think they default to order alphabetically. Is there a way to sort them in a custom order on the homepage. As far as I can see, there is not a way to do this in the admin.

14 yıl önce
At present No.  Have a look at stored procedure Nop_ProductLoadDisplayedOnHomePage
13 yıl önce
I padded the beginning of certain product's names with spaces. (This is a crummy way to handle it; but it worked for me because I only showcase less than a dozen items.)
13 yıl önce
Also, one may add a table with a FK to the product id and new sort order, then ALTER the SP mentioned above to include the join and leverage the new sort. ( . . . A better fix but one must remember to document these changes as new NOPCommerce versions are released.
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